(last update: Mar-2025)
The following information is gathered from our website visitors:
IP address, Contact Details.
We use the information to enhance your visitor experience.
Your personal information is accessible only to MinuteWorx.
To safeguard your personal information, we use ssl encryption.
Our website makes use of cookies which are small digital files that are stored in your web browser that enable us to track your return visits to our website.
Your browser settings may allow you to block these cookies, but we recommend you have them enabled to help us personalise your experience of our website.
MinuteWorx strives to protect the privacy of all of its users. The MinuteWorx mobile app does NOT track your location 'live'. Your location is ONLY obtained when you punch in or out, when you start and stop Tasks, when you add Trip Logs and Expenses, or when you check Assets in and out. In other cases, it is impossible for the MinuteWorx app, or administrative users of the MinuteWorx app to know your Geo Location.
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